Beating The Odds

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If It Had Not Been For...

Finish the rest of the statement the way you see fit. But for some people, it’s filled in with...GOD on their side.

Well, that was the sentiments of my guests ~ Pamela L Williams and Kevin Latham as we addressed the topic: Beating The Odds on Real Chicks Rock! Presents Real Discussions.

Pamela has beaten breast cancer and Kevin has had 3 heart attacks and a heart transplant. Both are very serious life altering experiences. However, both of my guests feel that they are no better or different than anyone else as we all have experiences that can critically impact us all.

The discussion went from how good GOD is to their faith unwavering to resources that are available to us that most people don’t know about. My guests were very transparent about everything even down to how their sex lives were impacted (Sorry, you had to be in the green room to hear more about that...wink)

~ Thank you Pamela and Kevin for wanting to come on the show and share.

~ Thanks to Status Network / Lyve TV for letting us come through.

Until next time, take care and continue to...#ROCKon


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Music performed by Honeycomb Music Artist  -  Dawn Tallman song title 'Celebrate Myself'. (Copyright permission granted)

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