The Country We Serve

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Driven By Purpose...

Some people will not take no for an answer. In this case, we’re glad that my guest Kelly Kel didn’t. Real Chicks Rock!™️ Presents Real Discussions dealt with life during and after the military. Topic: The Country We Serve.

DJ Kelly Kel has served in the Army branch within the military for 20 years. She has seen, heard and done a few things during that time. Kelly has enjoyed her time during her years of service but know that’s not the case for everyone else.

Things happen that can change a person for either better or worse. Kelly took a very negative situation that happened and used it as motivation. Not only for herself but for those around her.

Leaving the military has created her the ability to stay connected to music and to give back to veterans and their families. South Cakz Kelly Kel is doing some great things with House Music in her hometown of Columbia, South Carolina and won’t stop as she knows there is so much work to do.

Feel free to check out this episode in its entirety on my Facebook page and the Real Chicks Rock! YouTube channel and other streaming platforms.

Thanks to Status Network for allowing us the opportunity to do what we do.

Thanks to DJ Kelly Kel who was passionate and transparent during our time together. It has helped someone for sure.

Until next time, take care and continue to...#ROCKon


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Music performed by Honeycomb Music Artist  -  Dawn Tallman song title 'Celebrate Myself'. (Copyright permission granted)

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